Carolyn Leslie

Office: A212

3. How EFL learners collaborate during task-based peer interaction (non-funded research project) May 2018- present.


The aim of this project is to describe how learners in 4th and 7th years of compulsory education in an EFL context collaborate with a peer to accomplish an oral task. This is being carried out through analysis of their collaborative talk for evidence of social interaction, task management and a focus on language, comparing how these features differ according to age. This project is at the stage of analysing data and writing up results.

Research unit: Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS)

Research areas: Oral peer interaction in the foreign/second language classroom, Affect and language learning, Task based learning, Cohesive and less cohesive groups, Classroom research

2009MasterApplied Linguistics and TESOL
1985DoctorateHeriot-Watt UniversityMicrobiology
DoctorateUniversidade NOVA de LisboaLínguas, Literaturas e Culturas, Especialidade em Didática de Línguas Estrangeiras
  • Introduction  
  • Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning  
  • The story behind this book  
  • Youtube Video Observation in Initial Teacher Education  
  • Engagement during peer interaction in the primary English classroom  
TitleFunding sourceStartState
Mapping approaches project, 2018-Completed
Assessment in primary English education in Portugal: Teachers, perceptions, practices. 2017-Completed
English Teacher, British Council, 1996-2016
Leitor, Uni Nova de Lisboa, 2010-2015
Teacher on MA in Primary English teaching, Nova University, 2016
Teacher on 'Spoken English' postraduate course for teachers in state primary schools, Nova University, 2015
Scientific and linguistic consultant for Upgrade for the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th years of secondary school English, Edições ASA
eModerator on the British council online CiPELT course, for teachers in state primary schools, 2015 - 16
e Moderator on the British council online Primary Essentials course in association with APPI ( Portuguese English Teacher's Association), 2016
Member of the Pedagogical committee of APPI (Portuguese English Teachers' Association)