Isabel Pires

Office: 407 // 423

Assistant professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, composer and performer of acousmatic music, Isabel Pires has a PhD in “Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts – Spécialité Musique” from Paris VIII University, and a DEA (Degree of deep Studies) on “Arts de la Scène et du Spectacle – Option Musique” from the same University. She is a CESEMs researcher, where she coordinates the Contemporary Music Research Group, at the same time that directs the LIM (Laboratory of Computer Music). She works on contemporary musical works preservation, cognitive auditory perception and the sound as physical phenomena within musical contexts. Specialist on experimental musical stage shows, computer sound synthesis and space within the music composition are relevant study subjects. Her work focuses also on computer music, music analysis, Electroacoustic music, composition and collaborative practices. Having organized and chaired some relevant International Conferences and meetings, as well as participated in several other international scientific conferences, she produced a significant number of publications, mainly on international, concerning music analysis and assets study and preservation. Her musical works include instrumental music, acousmatic music, instrumental and mixed-media music, and has been presented mainly in Europe.

Research unit: Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM)

Research areas: 20th and 21st century music, Auditory perception and cognition, Computer music, Cultural memory, intangible cultural heritage, Heritage preservation, Intangible cultural heritage, Electronic music, Interactive music and sound art, Music analysis, Music and musicology, history of music, Music and technology, Performing arts, Recorded music preservation;

2005MasterFaculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH)Musicology
2002MasterUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes-St Denis(Diplome d'études aprofondies: DEA en Arts de la scène et du spectacle: Option Musique)
2002MasterUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes-St DenisArts de la Scène et du Spectacle - Option Musique
2000BachelorEscola Superior de MúsicaMusic composition
DoctorateUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes-St DenisEsthétique Sciences et Technologies des Arts - Spétialité Musique
  • The Meticulous Irreverence of Jose Lopes e Silva  
  • Composing Music Today  
  • Old Is New  
  • Cândido Lima e Grupo Música Nova  
  • Recovering Music-Theatre Works Involving Electronic Elements.  
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