Inês de Ornellas e Castro

Research unit: Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition (IELT)

Research areas: Latin Literature;, Food History in Antiquity and Moodern period;, Cultural studies on the body;, Portugese medical latin texts, mainly on dietetics (XVI- XVIII centuries)., Gender sutdies: latinate women writers (XV-XIX centuries)

DoctorateFaculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH)Língua e Cultura Latina
  • 1564. A releitura do alimento medicamento e os tratados higienistas  
  • 1695. Cordiais, xaropres e licores  
  • Um horto para cuidar da alma  
  • Alimentar o corpo, despertar os sentidos  
  • De rios e de mar no De Antiquitatibus Lusitaniae  
TitleFunding sourceStartState
"Arte médica e inteligibilidade científica na Archipathologia de Filipe Montalto", (Novembro 2013- 2014),member of the research teamCompleted
"DIAITA- Museu Biblioteca Virtuais do Património Alimentar da Lusofonia", (2013- ), investigatorCompleted
"Female Biography Project - Chawton House Library Edition of Mary Hays's pioneering sixvolumes of Female Biography (1803), (2011-2014), memeber of the research teamCompleted
Acção integrada Luso-espahola Refª E-12/11: "Redes culturales femeninas en la Península Ibérica, siglos XVI a XIX/ Redes culturais femininas na Península ibérica, séculos XVI a XIX", (2011-2013), member of the research teamCompleted
European COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) / ESF (European Science Foundation) Action IS0901 “Women Writers in History: Toward a New Understanding of European Literary Culture”, (2009-2013) memeber of the research teamCompleted
"Portuguese Women Writers II" PTDC/CLE-LLI/ 108508/2008, (2010- 2013), member of the research teamCompleted
"Portuguese Women Writers I" -PTDC/ELT/68234/2006 (2007-2009) , (2007-2010), member of the research teamCompleted
"Miscelânea seiscentista de Pereira de Foios (Ms.8920)", (2000-2008), member of the research teamCompleted
"Repertório Bibliográfico Europeu (Bibliografia Portuguesa)" do Institut Européen d' Histoire et Culture de l'Alimentation/B. N. de Paris, (2005-2007), member of the research teamCompleted
(2013) «(Re)criar um passado: a construção de um modelo alimentar identitário na Roma Antiga», invited by Cátedra Jaime Cortesão, Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Humanas - FFLCH/ USP, São Paulo, 5 November.
(2013) Responsible of the Doctoral seminar: PORT 88100 – Seminar: Special Topics in Portuguese Literature I – Food, Health and More. Writing on Bodily Care from Antiquity to Portuguese Renaissance [GC: Monday, 5/6/13 – Friday, 5/10/13, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Rm. TBA, 1 credit] no Gradute Center of City University of New York.
(2011) scholarship at COST Action IS0901 Training School, with the project Latin manuscript sources: autographs and second hand testimonies of female authorship and Latin Printed repertoires from the end of the 15th century to the early 19th century. (Huygens Institute, the Haig 7-14 May).
(March 2007- October 2012) Post Ph project SFRH/BPD/41156/2007Ref. «Edição e estudo de textos portuguesesem Latim de finais do século XVI e do século XVII sobre bromatologia» under the supervision of Professor Doutor Aires Nascimento
(2011-2013) Research Specialist at the International QS Wold University Rankings (Arts &Humanities)