Ana Madeira

Office: B405

Research unit: Linguistics Research Centre of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CLUNL)

Research areas: second language acquisition, syntax, foreign language teaching

DoctorateUniversity College LondonLinguística
  • Anaphora resolution in L2 European Portuguese  
  • Are non-native speakers sensitive to microvariation in anaphora resolution?  
  • Control, restructuring and temporal interpretation  
  • Efeitos do input na aquisição de PE L2  
  • Assessment of language proficiency and reading skills of non-native primary school children  
TitleFunding sourceStartState
Programa PESSOA, Development of syntactic structures in Portuguese and French monolingual and bilingual acquisition, (2017-2018), member of the research team.Completed
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, POR Nível - Construction and validation of a placement test for PFL (2017-2018), member of the research teamCompleted
Gulbenkian Foundation / Camões, I. P., Saberportuguê (construction of a digital platform for the teaching of Portuguese to Chinese speakers) (2015), team member.Completed
"Evaluation study of the impact of Portuguese as a Second Language in the national education system and definition of prospective measures”, 2012-2013), principal investigator.Completed
"PTDC/MHC-LIN/4564/2012 – Subordination in Medieval Portuguese”, 2013-2015), member of the research team.Completed
"PTDC/MHC-LIN/4812/2012 – Crosslinguistic and Crosspopulation Approaches to the Acquisition of Dependencies”, 2013-2015), member of the research team.Completed
"PTDC/CLE-LIN/103334/2008 – Events and Subevents in Capeverdian", 2010-2013), member of the research team.Completed
"143513-2008-LLP-IT-KA2-KA2NW – Multilingualism in Europe as a Resource for Immigration – Dialogue Initiative among the Universities of the Mediterranean – MERIDIUM”, 2008-2011), member of the research team.Completed
"POCI-PPCDT/LIN/62214/2004 – Morphology and Syntax in Second Language Acquisition”, 2005-2009), principal investigator.Completed
"PLUS/SOC/50310 – Policies and practices in the internationalization of the teaching of Portugueses: the Portuguese Leitorados" (2004-2006), member of the research team.Completed
Lifelong Learning (Comenius, Grundtvig, ICT and Languages) 110745-CP-1-2003-1-LT-LINGUA-L2, Oneness - Online less used and less taught language courses (2003-2006), member of the research team.Completed
Coordenation of the Master's degree in Language Sciences (2014-present).
Coordination of the Postgraduate programme in Teaching Portuguese as a Second Language (2015-present).
Coordination of the Master's degree in Child Language Development and Impairment, FCSH/UNL e ESS/IPS (2011-2015).
Organisation of the Portuguese Language and Culture Course – Summer Course, FCSH/UNL (2011-2016).
Reviewer for national and international scientific journals (e.g. Probus, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Diacrítica, Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística).
Scientific revision of the (Portuguese) contents of the digital platform for Basic Education students, Booka, Plátano Publishers (2012-2016).
Participation (as a teacher and/or as an examiner) in teacher training programmes in the domain of Portuguese as a Second Language, Ministry of Education (2008-2010) / Instituto Camões (2016).
Scientific advisor to the research project on “Bilingualism, learning of L2 Portuguese and academic success”, Instituto de Linguística Teórica e Computacional/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (2009-2012).
Organisation of the "Stage de perfectionnement linguistique, culturel et pédagogique destiné à des enseignants du second degré de l’Education nationale française au Portugal" (2005-2015).
Course on “Developing materials for teaching Portuguese as a second language", Summer School, FCSH-UNL (2013-2015).
Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Literature, University of Évora (1998-2002).
British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (1995-1998).
Teaching Assistant - Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages/University of Cambridge, Departament of Speech Therapy/Central School of Speech and Drama, Departament of Hispanic Studies/Queen Mary and Westfield College, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics/University College London (1991-1995).