Raquel Henriques

Office: B622


Research unit: Institute of Contemporary History (IHC)

Research areas: Contemporary cultural history and history of contemporary mentalities, Methodologies of history teaching, History of education in the contemporary era, History of Portuguese furniture, Intangible heritage

2008DoctorateUniversidade NOVA de LisboaContemporary cultural history and history of contemporary mentalities
2002Master19th and 20th century history (20th century section)
  • Raquel Pereira Henriques à Conversa com Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo  
  • Diz-me o que aprendes, dir-te-ei que professor podes ser…  
  • A experiência das Ciências Humanas  
  • Contributos da História Oral  
  • O território e a construção de currículos de história local  
TitleFunding sourceStartState
Member of the research team of a research project: Rescued Memories, (Re)constructed Identities: Schooling experiences and local education dynamics. October 2018 - September 2021. Reference: PTDC/CED-EDG/29091/2017Completed
Member of the research team of a research project: Itineraries of pedagogical innovation: reference schools and experiences in Portugal in the twentieth century. May 2016 - May 2019. Reference: PTDC/MHC-CED/0893/2014Completed
Member of the research team of a research project: Teacher Training Schools in Portugal: History, Archive, Memory. January 2010 - July 2013. Reference: PTDC/CPE-CED/100797/2008Completed
A) Academic experience: since June 2016: Assistant Professor. Responsable for Supervised Teaching Practice and Research Supervision Seminar.
2012- to June 2016: Invited Assistant Professor. - Teaching of History Methodology I and II; Responsable for Supervised Teaching Practice and Research Supervision Seminar; Teaching of Municipality and Culture, Master of Arts in Cultural Activities for Municipalities and Museum Education (joint work with António Camões Gouveia); Scientific Supervisor of a Master of Arts
B) Teacher of History 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education since 1990. This was interrupted twice: from 1997 to 2004 and from 2012 to the present time
C) 2009-2013 - President of the board of directors the A.P.H. (History Teachers Association. Aims: development and updating scientific and pedagogical training of history teachers in Portugal).
D) 1996-2001 - Researcher of the Centro de Estudos de Mobiliário (Furniture Studies Centre) - Escola Superior de Artes Decorativas da Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva