José Afonso Teixeira

Office: C108

Research unit: Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA)

Research areas: Economic and Social Geography, Geography of Services, Retailing and urbanism, Human Geography

1997DoctorateUniversidade NOVA de LisboaGeography and Regional Planning
  • Dinâmicas territoriais do emprego em Portugal continental (2008-2019)  
  • Reforma Administrativa das Freguesias Portuguesas 2013  
  • Shared service centers and territories  
  • Compartilhamento de serviços e desenvolvimento regional  
  • Decisão, Planejamento e Implantação de Serviços Compartilhados  
TitleFunding sourceStartState
2010-2013 "Redes Transfronteiriças de Relações entre Empresas: Norte de Portugal-Galiza e Alentejo-Extremadura" (CbNet)/Inter-Firm Cross-Border Networks in North of Portugal-Galicia and Alentejo-Extremadura. Projecto PTDC/CS-GEO/100409/2008,financiated by FCT, under orientation of Profª. Doctor Iva Miranda Pires.Completed
2004-2008 "A Integração dos mercados ibéricos, um processo dependente e territorialmente diferenciado?" (IBERMINT) / "Iberian Market Integration -a dependent and territorially diferentiated process?". Projecto POCTI/GEO/48477/2002,financiated by FCT, under orientation of Profª. Doctor Iva Miranda Pires.Completed
Professor at FCSH / NOVA
Resercher at eGeo - Research Centre for Geography and Regional Planning (1982-2014) and CICS.NOVA - Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (2015 -)
FCSH Assistant Vice-Dean (july 2009/july 2013)