The main goal is to promote new in-depth and critical interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of aesthetics and art studies. The programme brings together, in three areas of specialization, lecturers and curricular units from the departments of Philosophy, History of Art, Communication Sciences and Musicology. It is intended that students should:
- acquire a thorough critical knowledge of the fundamental problems of Aesthetics in connection with Artistic Studies;
- extensively recognise the importance of the study of philosophy, history of philosophy, history of art, communication sciences, musical arts and musicology for the interpretation and understanding of current issues related to art and artistic practices;
- develop a thorough specialized knowledge and skills in an area of Artistic Studies, i.e.: in the visual arts, in the case of the specialization in Art and Political Cultures; in cinema or photography, in the case of the specialization in Cinema and Photography; in music, in the case of the specialization in Music Arts and Musicology.
Areas Of expertise
- Art and Political Cultures
- Musical Arts and Musicology
- Film and Photography
Curricular structure
Duration: 4 semesters Credits: 120 ECTS
Students must complete three compulsory curricular units common (or transversal) to these areas. Each of the three paths allows students to thoroughly develop specific knowledge and skills in an area of Artistic Studies and entails:
- in the 1st semester, the compulsory course units Aesthetics & Artistic Studies and "Modernism and Modernisms in 20th Century Art" and a conditional option course of the area;
- in the 2nd semester, the completion of the compulsory course unit "Contemporary Art Problems", a conditional option course in the area and a free-choice;
- the preparation and submission of the non-taught component in the 3rd and 4th semesters.