The PhD programme in Digital Media is organized jointly by the University of Porto, Nova University of Lisbon, through NOVA FCSH and FCT NOVA, in collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin and provides specialised training in the area of Digital Media.
The appearance of new applications in the area of digital media, such as video games, interactive contents on the web, interactive TV, video on demand, the appearance of educational software with high impact on younger age groups and, even more recently, the dissemination of information, marketing and leisure content on mobile devices, demonstrate the importance of study and research in this type of content and the study of its relationship with technology, the different areas of science and society in general. It is also clear that universities need to train professionals in this field, with the skills corresponding to the different levels of training and, in this case, at the third cycle level.
The PhD Programme aims to train students to become researchers, university teachers, and leaders in innovation processes in the fundamental and applied areas of Digital Media. This will include the ability to:
- create, produce and distribute digital media, taking into consideration the target audience and the whole value chain associated with the field;
- manage teams of creatives and producers;
- exercise a specialised professional activity, in organisations that create, produce and process content for distribution for various purposes, from mass media, education, leisure, marketing, video games and corporate broadcasting.
ciencias.comunicacao@fcsh.unl.ptAssociated Research Units
Areas Of expertise
- Creation of Audiovisual and Interactive Contents
- Technologies
- Journalism
- Industry, Publics and Markets
Curricular structure
Duration: 8 semesters. Total Credits: 240 credits (60 in curricular units + 180 (150+30)) in the non-taught component).
Modalities of non-taught component: Thesis.
Number of credits on a free-choice basis: 22.5 credits. The free-choice seminars may be chosen among the postgraduate courses offered by NOVA FCSH, FCT/NOVA or the University of Porto or by other national or foreign higher education institutions, by agreement or protocol.
The degree of Doctor corresponds to level 8 of the NQF/EQF - National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.