The PhD in Modern Literatures and Cultures has the general aim of training students for advanced level research in this branch of knowledge and its various areas of specialization, training PhD graduates who can develop their expertise in this area, in both a national and international context, to actively contribute to the development, dissemination and transmission of scientific knowledge.
- understand and systematise theoretical knowledge from the scientific areas of literary studies, cultural studies, comparative literary studies;
- develop research skills in specific methodologies in the specialty areas of this PhD programme;
- to conceive, design, develop and carry out specific research work in each of its scientific areas;
- to carry out significant, original and innovative scientific work that contributes to the expansion of scientific knowledge in this field;
- to develop skills in analysing sources and documents, producing syntheses and critical reasoning in an innovative way;
- be able to present and publicly communicate ongoing research work and/or its results in scientific, academic and social contexts;
- to contribute to social and cultural development through the production and dissemination of work carried out within the various scientific areas of the course.
linguas.literaturas@fcsh.unl.ptAssociated Research Units
Areas Of expertise
- Cultural Studies
- Literary Studies
- Comparative Literary Studies
Curricular structure
Duration: 8 semesters. Total Credits: 240 credits (60 in curricular units + 180 in the non-taught component).
Modalities of non-taught component: Thesis.
Number of credits on a free-choice basis: 10 credits. The free-choice seminar may be chosen from among the postgraduate courses offered at NOVA FCSH; by other departments of the Nova University of Lisbon, or by other Portuguese or foreign higher education institutions, by agreement or protocol.
The degree of Doctor corresponds to level 8 of the NQF/EQF - National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.