This Master’s aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the theoretical orientations of contemporary sociology, and with the methodological tools and specialized research techniques for scientific research in contemporary sociology, appropriate to the specific area of scientific and professional application chosen.
Although this is a taught Master’s, it is structured in such a way as to allow for training and articulation with other disciplinary areas, both outside and within the social sciences.
The Master’s in Sociology enables students to go on to pursue advanced research training at doctoral level, as well as professional insertion and development in national and international organisations and institutions.
It enables the development of the following skills:
a) ability to plan and coordinate qualified technical tasks in organisations;
b) ability to plan, diagnose and solve complex problems involving applied research;
c) ability to define devices for monitoring and evaluating public policies.
Areas Of expertise
- Communities and Social Dynamics
- Knowledge, Education and Society
- Public Policies and Social Inequalities
- Sociology of Territory, City and Environment
- Economic Sociology of Organisations
Curricular structure
Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters Credits: 120 ECTS
The Masters is structured in four semesters, the first two of which are dedicated to the curricular part and the remaining to the completion of one of the following options: dissertation, project work and practical work experience with report.
The Syllabus is designed to make the master's programme more consistent, concentrating the basic disciplines which structure the course in the 1st semester (Sociological Theories, Methodology of Social Sciences e Social Problems and Sociological Issues), leaving the specialization subjects for the 2nd semester.