The growing awareness of gender inequalities, particularly regarding women, has greatly contributed to the development of research on gender issues, and today these topics constitute a disciplinary area with autonomy at an epistemological, theoretical and methodological levels.
Gender studies has allowed the formulation of new questions that can only be answered in contexts of interdisciplinary reflection and debate. This course centres on the dialogue between various disciplines, corresponding to the plurality of the teaching staff of NOVA University of Lisbon which participate in it.
The Master's in Women's Studies, which in recent years has been characterized by great national and international demand, offers scientific and research training, with the theoretical and methodological knowledge needed to understand and intervene in the resolution of social problems. It is based on the research of the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA / NOVA FCSH), particularly women's studies (Faces of Eve) and on gender inequalities and violence against women, domestic violence and gender-based violence (National Observatory on Violence and Gender - ONVG).
This Masters enables the articulation between academic knowledge and the action of institutions and organisations that define public policies and intervene in the field of gender equality. Thus, besides enabling students to continue to advanced training for research at PhD level (as is the case of the PhD in Gender Studies) it facilitates professional insertion and development in national and international organisations and institutions of reference, namely through the internships and intervention projects.
- To acquire in-depth knowledge and research capabilities in the area of Women's Studies and Gender Studies;
- To obtain knowledge and skills regarding women's rights that enable civic intervention, in response to new social needs; To acquire skills related to the interaction between knowledge acquired at university and organisations which intervene in social problems relevant to the specialization;
- To acquire lifelong learning skills on the subject of the speciality;
- To receive general and multidisciplinary training in the areas of Women's Studies and Gender Studies;
- To develop the ability to deal with operative concepts in the areas of study within an interdisciplinary context using national and international bibliography;
- To acquire the ability to use the knowledge, concepts and methodologies acquired to solve new problems in new and unfamiliar situations, in broad and multidisciplinary contexts, related to the area of Women's Studies and Gender Studies;
- To obtain knowledge and skills to prepare and present academic papers, in oral and written forms, in accordance with established parameters;
- To acquire the skills to present results, and the knowledge and arguments underlying them, to non-specialist audiences;
- To provide theoretical, empirical and methodological tools and resources for further academic training, particularly for the PhD in Gender Studies (NOVA FCSH / ISCSP / NOVA School of Law).
Curricular structure
Duration: 4 semesters Total Credits: 120 ECTS (65 in curricular units + 55 in the non-taught component)
Modalities of non-taught component: Dissertation, Project Work or Practical Work Experience with Report
Number of credits on a free-choice basis: 10 credits (students may complete 10 credits in a free-choice regime in post-graduate level curricular units at NOVA FCSH, at NOVA, or at other national or foreign higher education institutions, by means of a protocol).
The Master’s degree corresponds to Level 7 of the NQF and EQF - National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.
Faculty staff
- Ana Lúcia Teixeira
- Ana Paiva Morais
- Cláudia Madeira
- Dalila Cerejo
- Eduarda Ferreira
- Helena Pereira de Melo - NOVA School of Law
- Isabel Henriques de Jesus
- Isabel Branco
- João Luís Lisboa
- Manuel Lisboa
- Natividade Monteiro
- Paula Godinho
- Raquel Carvalheira
- Vanda Gorjão
- Zamira Assis
- Zília Osório de Castro