Rui Branco

Office: D009

Rui Branco is an Associate Professor (with Habilitation) at the Department of Political Studies, NOVA University Lisbon, and a senior researcher at IPRI-NOVA. His research focuses on comparative social and labour market regimes and policies. He has edited special issues and published in journals such as Journal of Comparative Politics, Journal of Social Policy, New Political Economy, Politics & Society, Comparative European Politics, Social Policy & Administration and South European Society and Politics. He has authored chapters in books published by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Routledge, Cornell University Press, and Notre Dame University Press, among others. His latest book is ‘Protecção Social no Portugal Democrático. Trajetórias de Reforma’, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, published in 2022. Currently he is working as co-editor and author on the volume Labour Market Solidarity in Europe: Regulation and Policy for Atypical Employment in Portugal and Spain, under contract with Routledge (forthcoming in 2025)

Research unit: Portuguese Institute of Internacional Relations (IPRI)

2020DoctorateEuropean University Institute (EUI)History
  • Back from the Cold?  
  • The politics of pro-outsider labour market reforms  
  • The EPSR and the Next Generation EU  
  • The Politics of Change  
  • 45 Anos de Democracia em Portugal  
TitleFunding sourceStartState