André Teixeira

Office: B618

Research unit: CHAM - Centre for the Humanities (CHAM)

Research areas: Early modern and colonial archaeology, Portuguese overseas expansion, Military archaeology, Early modern material culture, World heritage of Portuguese origin, History and archaeology of North Africa

1999GraduateHistoryUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
2002MasterHistoryUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
2005GraduateArchaeologyUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
2010DoctorHistoryUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
  • A vida quotidiana em Portimão nos séculos XV-XVIII  
  • Guerra e fortificação na foz do Arade nas épocas medieval e moderna  
  • O Estado da Índia e a Costa Oriental Africana  
  • Almada Velha  
  • Casas, Covas e Ruas  
TitleFunding sourceStartState
Spaces and lifestyles from the Portuguese period in Northern Africa: cities and towns of the “Overseas Gharb” (15th to 17th centuries), 2016-2018, research team.Completed
Espaços e vivências urbanas do período português no Norte de África: arqueologia em torno do Estreito de Gibraltar (séculos XV a XVII), 2015-2016, principal researcherCompleted
Ksar Seghir: an archaeological site in the confluence of civilizations between the editerranean and the Atlantic Ocean (14-16th centuries), 2013-2014, principal researcherCompleted
O Castelo de Almeida: origem medieval, reformas manuelinas e reutilização moderna. Projecto de investigação e valorização arqueológica, 2009-2015, principal researcherCompleted
An Iberian ship for the Atlantic: shipbuilding, life aboard and Angra port of call in 16th and 17th centuries, 2010-2013, research teamCompleted
Portugal and South Morocco: contacts and clashes (15th-18th Centuries), 2007-2011, research teamCompleted
Bombay before the British. The Portuguese legacy a the Bombay peninsula’s territory, 2004-2007, research teamCompleted
The nobility and the Estado da Índia in the 16th century, 2000-2004, research teamCompleted
Invited Assistant Professor auxiliar at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2010-2012)
Technician at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2008-2010)
Lecture at Faculdade de Ciências Humanas - Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2004-2007)
Lecture at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2002-2003)
Archeologist and Bord Director at Arqueonova - Associação de Arqueologia e Defesa do Património (1998-2005).