Maria João Pereira Coutinho

Maria João Pereira Coutinho holds a PhD in Art History from the University of Lisbon (2011). She is currently an associate researcher at the Institute of Art History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, where she works on the project “Architecture, sculpture and ornament: cultural transfers of stoneworks in Portuguese Assistancy (S.I.) in the 16th-18th centuries”, funded by national funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the Norma Transitória – [DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0046]. Previously, she has been engaged in several individual and collective projects, both in Portugal and abroad, in the fields of History and Art History. She is a member of the Portuguese Society of Construction History and the Société Internationale d´Études Jésuites.

Research unit: Art History Institute (IHA)

DoctorateUniversidade de Lisboa Art History
MasterUniversidade Lusíada Art History
BachelorEscola Superior de Artes Decorativas - Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva Decorative Arts
  • Arquitectura, ornamento e iconografia  
  • Arquitetura, ornamento e iconografia  
  • Construção e evolução arquitectónica das residências da Companhia de Jesus na 1183 província de Portugal  
  • De Génova a Setúbal  
  • "Henar Pizarro Llorente (dir.) y José Garvía de Castro Valdés SJ, Macarena Moralejo Ortega, Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo, SJ (eds.) 2022. Jesuitas. Impacto Cultural en la Monarquía His-pana (1540–1767)."  
TitleFunding sourceStartState