Incoming programs
We have several programs adapted to different international students. Choose bellow if you are inside or outside European Union and then search for the program most suitable to you.
If you wish to learn Portuguese during your stay at NOVA FCSH, you can take a Portuguese Language course for Foreigners (additional fees apply).
I'm inside European Union
ERASMUS+ Program is the European Community Program for international mobility in the area of education, training, youth and sport and allows the mobility of students between higher education institutions in the European Union for periods of learning.
Nova School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) has more than 350 Erasmus + agreements with European Universities, for different areas of study within Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities and for the three cycles of studies – Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate.
If you intend to spend a period of study at NOVA NOVA FCSH, confirm if NOVA FCSH is part of your university’s list of partners in your area of study.
Students must apply to the mobility program at their home university. Application deadlines and conditions are defined by the home institution, which is responsible for selecting students.
The home university must send to NOVA FCSH information about the nominated students within the following deadlines:
Until May 31st – for 1st semester, 2nd semester or annual mobility in the following academic year.
Until October 31st – for 2nd semester mobilities in the following academic year.
After formal appointment, the Mobility Office at NOVA FCSH will contact the Incoming student to provide all the information necessary for the application.
Students nominated for NOVA FCSH can find information about the application process at Incoming Students.
The Almeida Garrett Program is a national mobility program for students in Portuguese public universitiesd with a seat on the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities.
This Program allows undergraduate and master’s students (1st and 2nd cycle) to undertake a semester of studies at a Portuguese public university other than their home university, paying tuition fees only at their home University. Participation in this Program does not include a mobility grant.
Students must apply for the mobility program at their home university. Application deadlines and conditions are defined by the home institution, which is responsible for selecting students.
The home university must send to NOVA FCSH information about the nominated students within the following deadlines:
Until May 31st – for 1st semester, 2nd semester or annual mobility in the following academic year.
Until October 31st – for 2nd semester mobilities in the following academic year.
After formal appointment, the Mobility Support Center at NOVA FCSH will contact the Incoming students to provide all the information necessary for the application.
Students nominated for NOVA FCSH can find information about the application process at Incoming Students.
It is possible to attend curricular units at NOVA FCSH outside mobility programs, by applying to attend isolated curricular units.
Applicants must create a user profile on the student platform, Inforestudante.
To do this they must:
- register as a New User;
- apply for Isolated Courses.
Subsequently, candidates must prepare a formal request to attend isolated courses. Candidates should consult the Academic Calendar for the deadlines for submitting applications for registration in individual courses.
Registration will be carried out by Academic Services after acceptance of the request and payment of associated costs (fee applied to each curricular unit plus school insurance and administrative costs).
For more information, please contact Academic Services:
tel :+ 351 217 908 300 | Ext . 31428
Bachelors Office: licenciaturas@fcsh.unl.pt
Masters Office: mestrados@fcsh.unl.pt
I'm outside European Union
The AULP mobility program (Association of Portuguese Language Universities) is the first academic mobility program that exclusively covers the exchange of students between institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries and Macau (China). Each AULP University can receive two students per semester, with exemption from paying tuition fees and recognition of credits completed, through the signing of a learning agreement.
Applications for this program are made directly to AULP, which must send the list of nominated students to NOVAFCSH within the following deadlines:
Until May 31st – for 1st semester, 2nd semester or annual mobility in the following academic year.
Until October 31st – for 2nd semester mobilities in the following academic year.
After receiving the nomination, the Mobility Office at NOVA FCSH will contact the Incoming student to provide all the information necessary for the application.
Students nominated for NOVA FCSH can find information about the application process at Incoming Students.
The Erasmus + Programme now opens study exchange opportunities to Higher Education Institutions (HEI) from other parts of the world. Under the International Credit Mobility (ICM), students of a HEI in a Partner Country can spend a study exchange period in a partner HEI within a Programme Country and vice versa.
NOVA University Lisbon is party to four International Credit Mobility projects to which students from partner countries can have access. All the information and application forms are available in the following project webpages:
- ICM 2019
- ICM 2020
- Merging Voices 2019
- Merging Voices 2020
- Mare Nostrum 2018
- Mare Nostrum 2019
After acceptance, students under International Credit Mobility projects shall follow the same procedures as for exchange students.
Since 2000, NOVA FCSH has established the only existing agreement in Portugal between a Higher Education Institution and the Council for International Educational Exchange (CIEE), an organization that promotes the exchange of North American university students.
Through the “Language + Culture” program – a multidisciplinary curricular program taught in English – NOVA FCSH welcomes, each year, around 40 North American students who have the opportunity to acquire or improve their knowledge of Portuguese history and culture.
Applications for this program are made directly with CIEE.
NOVA FCSH encourages the international mobility of students on a global scale, through partnerships with institutions outside the scope of the Erasmus program, therefore outside Europe.
NOVA FCSH currently has bilateral protocols for student mobility with universities in Brazil, Mexico and Japan.
Students studying in a university outside the European Union and wishing to come to NOVA FCSH for a period of studies must:
a) Check with the International Relations Office of the home University whether there is a bilateral protocol with NOVA FCSH.
b) Carry out internal procedures at the home University to be selected and nominated to NOVA FCSH. Application deadlines and conditions are defined by the home institution, which is responsible for selecting students.
The home university must send to NOVA FCSH information about the nominated students within the following deadlines:
Until May 31st – for 1st semester, 2nd semester or annual mobility in the following academic year.
Until October 31st – for 2nd semester mobilities in the following academic year.
After receiving the nomination, the Mobility Office at NOVA FCSH will contact the Incoming students to provide all the information necessary for the application.
Students nominated for NOVA FCSH can find information about the application process at Incoming Students.
This mobility program started in the academic year 2009/2010 with the execution of the Cooperation Agreement with the University of Foreign Languages of Dalian. At present, this program involves five Chinese universities, whose students come every year to attend the courses at NOVA FCSH. As in the other exchange programs, the home Universities select the exchange students who will come to study at NOVA FCSH.
Partner Universities
- Dalian University of Foreign Languages
- College of Foreign Languages of Nankai University
- Jilin International Studies University
- South China Business College – Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
- Heilongjiang International University
The curriculum of this multidisciplinary program includes Portuguese language studies and courses from other areas of Social Sciences and Humanities. During the past 10 years of collaboration, this exchange program has trained students who concluded – in both their home country and in Portugal – their master degree and Ph.D. on topics related to Portuguese language and culture, developing successful professional careers involving the relationships between China and the Portuguese-speaking world.
In 2015, the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) developed an interdisciplinary and interuniversity mobility program for US students in Portugal, the Study in Portugal Network, of which NOVA FCSH is a partner.
Applications for this program are made directly to SiPN, which must send the list of nominated students to NOVAFCSH within the following deadlines:
Until May 31st – for 1st semester, 2nd semester or annual mobility in the following academic year.
Until October 31st – for 2nd semester mobilities in the following academic year.
After formal appointment, the Mobility Office at NOVA FCSH will contact the Incoming student to provide all the necessary information.
The Mobility Office (NAM) assists students through the procedures of Incoming and Outgoing Exchange.
+351 217 908 332 | Ext. 31581
Personal Assistance:
Av. Berna, Tower B, 1st floor
Mondays and Wednesdays: 9h30 to 13h00
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 14h00 to 18h00
+351 217 908 332 | Ext. 31581 mobilidade@fcsh.unl.pt