Outgoing programs
If you are a student at NOVA FCSH looking for an experience abroad to enrich your academic path, explore below the available programs. Also, don´t forget the see the protocols that NOVA has with universities around the world.
Erasmus+ Outgoing Programs
NOVA FCSH is party to more than 350 Erasmus+ bilateral agreements, executed with universities from all over Europe in the different areas of Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities and for the three cycles – Bachelor, Masters, and Doctorate.
Students can enroll in the Programme from the second year of their degree onward (having the educational components of 60 ECTS of their degree already taken). Every academic year, a call for study exchange vacancies and Erasmus+ grants is opened – the NOVA FCSH students, whose application for an exchange has been accepted, shall start their study abroad period during the following academic year.
By applying for an Erasmus+ study abroad period, a student automatically applies for an Erasmus+ grant. The grant awarding shall depend on the overall ranking of the application – in case the number of the study exchange positions granted to NOVA is lower than all the total number of applications received. Study exchange periods are attributed first to Ph.D. students, then to Master and finally to Bachelor students.
Find additional information on NOVA FCSH’s Intranet.
Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships) abroad at any workplace for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions in Programme Countries at short-cycle Bachelor and Master level as well as for doctoral candidates. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates.
With the Erasmus+ mobility program, the student can apply for a scholarship to do a traineeship abroad, which will allow him/her to improve knowledge, skills and competences that employers are looking for.
You can find more about the application to Erasmus+ scholarship for training mobility abroad on NOVA FCSH’s Intranet, under Informação Académica > Programas de Mobilidade.
If you need additional information regarding application periods and procedures to the Erasmus+ Scholarship for training, contact the Mobility Office (estagiosinternacionais@fcsh.unl.pt).
NOVA FCSH doesn’t feature any partnership for internships under the Erasmus + program. However, these links can be useful if you’re looking for information:
- https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/opportunities/traineeships-students_en
- http://erasmusintern.org/
- http://intercambioseuropeus.proatlantico.com/vagas/abertas
- http://www.praxisnetwork.eu/
The Erasmus + Programme now opens study exchange opportunities to Higher Education Institutions (HEI) from other parts of the world. Under the International Credit Mobility (ICM), students of a HEI in a Partner Country can spend a study exchange period in a partner HEI within a Programme Country and vice versa.
NOVA University Lisbon is party to four International Credit Mobility projects to which students from partner countries can have access. All the information and application forms are available in the following project webpages:
- ICM 2019
- ICM 2020
- Merging Voices 2019
- Merging Voices 2020
- Mare Nostrum 2018
- Mare Nostrum 2019
After acceptance, students under International Credit Mobility projects shall follow the same procedures as for exchange students.
Other outgoing programs
The Almeida Garrett Program is a national mobility program for public university students that involves all the universities represented in the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. This program allows undergraduate and graduate students (1st and 2nd cycle) to spend a semester in a Portuguese public university different from their home institution and pay the tuition fees only to their home university. This program does not include mobility grants. The acceptance and application procedures are the same as for any student exchange program.
You can apply for the program every academic year and you will be able to do so for next year. Find additional information on NOVA FCSH’s Intranet.
NOVA University of Lisbon has agreements with Higher Education Institutions all over the world. Through General Framework Agreements and specific addenda for mobility programs, NOVA FCSH students can spend an exchange period in a partner institution.
The terms and conditions governing each mobility program are set out in the Addendum executed by the corresponding partner institution. Students can benefit from some grants for academic exchange periods in partner institutions (i.e. institutions having a bilateral protocol executed with NOVA FCSH), in particular the Ibero-American Grants – Santander Universities, for both Undergraduate and Graduate Students. The details of these grants are advertised through the digital channels of NOVA FCSH when the Santander Bank opens the calls.
The Mobility program of the Association of Portuguese Language Universities (AULP) is the first academic mobility program that promotes exclusively student exchanges between institutions of Portuguese-speaking countries and Macao (MSAR, China). Each University of the AULP can host two students for each semester. Through the execution of a study agreement, the student does not need to pay tuition fees and the credits for the completed courses are acknowledged by the home institution.
Students can apply for this program directly through the AULP. After being notified of the results of the application, the NOVA FCSH selected candidates shall contact the NEIMA (International Students & Exchange Office) for the exchange procedures and practicalities.
The Mobility Office (NAM) assists students through the procedures of Incoming and Outgoing Exchange.
Personal Assistance:
Av. Berna, Tower B, 1st floor, B105C
Mondays and Wednesdays: 9h30 to 13h00
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 14h00 to 16h00
+351 217 908 332 | Ext. 31581 out.mobility@fcsh.unl.pt