Welcome to NOVA FCSH
NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) is located at the heart of Lisbon, in two campi: Avenida de Berna and Campolide. In the first campus, you can attend bachelor and master’s degrees; in the second, Phds and research units. Both are close to subway, gardens, services and cultural infrastructures, such as Culturgest and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
All the information you need
NOVA FCSH offers 15 degrees, some of them pioneers in the country and with the highest entry averages; more than 40 master’s degrees, all of them competitive and differentiating; more than 20 doctorates, with links to 16 research units; and several postgraduate courses, most of them unique in the country. In addition, throughout the year, there are short courses, from 15 to 25 hours, on various topics that usually take place during school breaks. On this page you will find all the courses taught in English in the current academic year. If you want to learn Portuguese you can take Portuguese as a Foreign Language classes.
At NOVA FCSH, the school year consists of two semesters: the first runs from September to the end of January. The second from February to May. January and May (there are no classes) are the months where students take final classes exams (not every curricular units have them). During classes, they can do assignments or written tests (depending on academic degrees).
The assessment is quantitative – from 0 to 20 values - and includes several criteria, such as frequencies or practical assignments, depending on the course. If, at the end of the semester, you have a final grade less than 8 points, you have to repeat the course in the following year. If you have 8 or 9 points, you can take an exam to try to achieve a positive grade.
Yes, NOVA FCSH has a long tradition of international and Erasmus students, the result of more than 400 mobility protocols in 22 countries. Social and cultural diversity is one of the reasons cited by international students for making their stay at NOVA FCSH one of the most rewarding experiences of their journey.
You can find in this page all the information you need to make the most of your short or long stay in Lisbon.
You can do these and a lot more operations, such as accessing and retrieving grades, downloading documents, accessing information on courses and classes, through the academic platform for students Inforestudante.
To access the user’s page, it is necessary to fill the field Username with your institutional e-mail and the field password with the password associated with your username.
Through the Social Welfare Services of the University (Serviços de Acção Social da Universidade Nova de Lisboa – SASNOVA), the university assists the students in need through scholarships and emergency support. All the information is available on the SASNOVA website. It is also possible to request further information via e-mail to bolsas@unl.pt or in person at the Social Welfare Services office at the Campus of Campolide. The School awards scholarships to academically meritorious students with economic difficulties. All information can be found in this page.
You can read our Student Guide made your needs in mind, explore our website or contact our services.