Resources for online classes
25 of March of 2020, 14:59

During this period of teleworking, staff and students of NOVA FCSH have access to various resources which allow them to carry out classes and educational exchanges online. The Information Technology Office highlights 4 applications that are available for this.
– Google Reunião/Hangouts – for online classes
– Colibri / Zoom – for online classes
– Moodle – integrated e-learning solution already used among staff
– Nonio (InforDocente / InforEstudante) – FCSH academic management system with academic uses.
a) It is not necessary to use all the applications. The aim of this page is to present the alternatives, all of which are equally valid, for carrying out online classes and exchange of documentation between staff and students. The exception to this is Nonio, it can’t be used to give classes, but it is where classes were already created and where summaries are mandatorily registered.
b) All these apps are accessible with a normal internet connection and browser; a VPN is not necessary to access them. They are mobile friendly, so can be used on phones and tablets.
c) Staff and students should use their FCSH ID university account to login to these apps.
d) Students must check their university email regularly, so they see invites to online classes and scheduling in good time.
Google Reunião (or “Google Hangouts Meet”)
A Google application, part of the “G Suite for Education” protocol that NOVA FCSH subscribes to, which allows the creation and running of classes online. After logging in using your FCSH university account (which is also a Google
account), for example through Gmail, staff and students should click on the Google Apps access button and choose the app “Google Reunião/Hangouts”.
After creating and configurating a new class, staff invite students to it by email, and during the class they can hear and see the staff member, as well as being able to participate in the audio/video. Classes can be recorded and reviewed
later by students.
Click on the following link to download instructions to create an online class using Google Hangouts.
To clear up any doubts on the use of Google Hangouts, email or call 914639816.
Colibri / Zoom
Zoom is a tool for online meetings and classes, developed by FCCN. At this moment, the first 180 simultaneous sessions are not subject to the 40-minute limit that the free version of the program imposes. Classes that begin when there are already 180 classes running will be cut off after 40 minutes.
Like Google Hangouts, Zoom allows video classes, recording of classes, management of student participation, sharing of presentations with students, or any other document or video. Classes are automatically recorded in such a way
that students can review them for an unlimited time.
Access page:
Click on the following link to download instructions to create an online class using Zoom.
Find online tutorials for Zoom:
To clear up any doubts on the use of Zoom, email or call 914639816.
This app is not a substitute for Moodle nor for Nonio which are used by the School to distribute information and documentation and to collect work at an educational level. These programs should continue to be used to supplement
online classes.
Moodle is e-learning tool which has been used by NOVA FCSH for more than 10 years, with all curricular units created on the platform.
Although until now, at NOVA FCSH, Moodle has been used more for distribution of documents, notifications, and collection of work electronically, it is an e-learning tool that is very comprehensive and makes it possible to run
classes exclusively online, even on video (by the BigBlueButton plugin, installed on the FCSH Moodle).
Access page:
To clear up any doubts regarding Moodle, email
Nonio, including InforDocente and InforEstudate, is the academic management system of NOVA FCSH, and as well as allowing the registration of summaries of all the school’s classes, it has many educational uses. On Nonio, students are already enrolled onto classes, so, unlike on Zoom or Google Hangouts, staff don’t have to do this.
The following tools are available to staff and students for academic work:
- Support material – staff can add, import, and remove support materials.
- Discussion Forums – forums and discussion topics can be organised, allowing notifications and students to submit files.
- Submission of work – staff can create work to be submitted by students individually or in groups, with flexibility around submission dates; staff can evaluate and comment on work that has been submitted.
- Management of notifications
Access pages to Nonio are: – for staff – for students
Within Nonio (at Start – Policy and Procedures) manuals can be found which explain how to use the education tools.
To clear up any doubts regarding Nonio, email
As well as the for apps mentioned above that we consider to be very useful for technological use at NOVA FCSH, there are many other tools which can be used in an educational manner:
A service created by FCCM for live transmission of videos to a large number of viewers, with a chat function for students to ask questions which can be shared later on social media.
Access page:
YouTube – restricted access videos
YouTube can be used to share pre-recorded classes with students (privately). Your FCSH ID allows you to access this service.
See instructions on FCT NOVA’s page:
Google Chat (Hangouts)
An application which is part of G Suite for Education which allows online conversation, as well as video calling. As the whole class is connected to Google Chat, staff can start a chat for all, which is recorded. Staff can upload recordings to Google Drive and share them with students.
Access page:
On Educast, educational videos can be recorded, edited and uploaded (classes, courses, tutorials, etc…). This is done by uploading to a searchable portal, which gathers together more than 22 thousand educational videos. Educast allows the editing and uploading of videos which are available to students in various forms (streaming, desktop, mobile).
Access page:
NAU – Sempre a Aprender, gives access to online courses for large audiences in the form of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course). In the case that the faculty brings in contingency plans with its staff under teleworking, they will be able to improve their skills in various fields of knowledge. Check out the courses that are available at NAU.
Access page:
With a maximum send limit of 100 GB, Filesender is the best option for safely sharing files. Filesender was developed specifically for the academic and scientific community yet allowing anyone to send and receive files. This is the
best option for sharing files that are too big to send by email.
Access page: