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Digital resources
Explore this selection of available online resources.
International databases, subscribed by NOVA FCSH, providing scientific publications, many of them in full text. To access from home the subscribed publications, follow the instructions – here.
- Biblioteca Digital de Filosofia (access provided by IFILNOVA)
- B-ON
- Cambridge University Press Journal Collection
- Grove Music Online (access provided by CESEM and INET-md)
- Loeb Classical Library (access provided by IFILNOVA)
- Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (perpetual access provided by IEM)
- Oxford Bibliographies – Art History (access provided by IEM)
- Oxford Bibliographies – Medieval Studies (access provided by IEM)
- Oxford Handbooks Online – Archaeology (access provided by IEM)
- Oxford Handbooks Online – History (access provided by IEM)
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text (access provided by CESEM and INET-md)
- SAGE Journals
- Web of Science
- Wiley/Blackwell Full Collection
Institutional and thematic repositories that provide scientific content in open access.
- RUN – Repositório da NOVA
- RCAAP – Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto de Portugal
- OpenAIRE
- DART – Europe E-theses Portal
- La Referencia – Rede Federada de Repositórios Institucionais de Publicações Científicas
- OATD – Open Access Theses and Dissertations
- OpenDOAR – Directory of Open Access Repositories
- Social Sciences Open Access Repository
Digital libraries providing free online contents, many of which available in full access.
- Almamater – Biblioteca de Fundo Antigo da UC
- Biblioteca Digital Camões
- Biblioteca Digital – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
- Biblioteca Digital – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
- Biblioteca Digital da Biblioteca Nacional Central de Roma
- Biblioteca Digital de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa
- Biblioteca Nacional Digital (Brazil)
- Biblioteca Nacional Digital (Portugal)
- Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica
- Bibliotrónica
- Digital Bodleian – University of Oxford
- Digital Library for International Research
- European Union Digital Library
- Europeana
- Gallica – National Library of France
- Hemeroteca Digital (Portugal)
- Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira
- UNESDOC Digital library
- United Nations Digital Library
- UNESCO – Social and Human Sciences Documentation Centre
- World Digital Library
Publishers that provide open access resources.
Digital directories providing free Social sciences and Humanities online contents, many of them in full access.
- Dialnet
- DOAB – Directory of Open Access Books
- DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals
- Domínio Público
- Journals 4 Free
- MatrizPix
- OAPEN – Publishing in European Networks
- OpenEdition
- OpenEdition Books
- Paperity – Open Access Journals
- Persee
- Project Gutenberg
- RNOD – Registo Nacional de Objetos Digitais
- SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online
- ScienceOPEN
- The New York Public Library Digital Collections
- The Memory