Vitorino Magalhães
The Vitorino Magalhães Godinho Library is a specialized library, dedicated to research and aimed, above all, at researchers. It is so named since 2018, following the donation of the library by Professor Vitorino Magalhães Godinho, made by the family to the Faculty. In addition to this private library, BVMG also provides documentary funds from 13 NOVA FCSH Research Units. Here, the Samuel Schwarz Library is also housed, a collection with unique characteristics that mainly deals with the history, culture and religion of the Jewish people, preserving works that date from 1510 to 1953
Location: Campolide Campus, Colégio Almada Negreiros, 2nd floor
Until 1st of March:
- Monday & Friday – 10:30 am to 6:30 pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday – 10:30 am to 8 pm
3rd of March: 9:30 am to 5 pm
4th of March: Closed
From 5th of March:
- Monday & Friday – 10:30 am to 6:30 pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday – 10:30 am to 8 pm
A Library account registration on NOVA FCSH’s libraries is reserved for enrolled students, professors, researchers, and staff of NOVA FCSH.
New users can register a personal account here with the provided FCSH ID credentials:
User name: a20191238546 (example)
Password: the same password for accessing InforEstudante/NOVA FCSH e-mail.
The book loan service is provided at the library’s service desk.
- The loan request must be made by the user himself.
- When an overdue book is returned, the user is prevented from borrowing further for a period based of the number of days of delay.
- Renewals can only be made if there are no reservations pending of the books, and within the last two days of the loan period. Loan renewals can be made in the user’s personal account or by email:;
- If a book is borrowed, the user can make a reservation at one’s personal account;
- Loan rules:
Undergraduate students: 3 books, for 5 working days;
Master’s and graduate students: 6 books, for 5 working days;
PhD and post-doctoral students: 6 books, for 10 working days;
Professors and researchers: 6 books, for 10 working days;
Staff: 3 books, for 5 working days.
Requests to Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library (BMSC, campus of Avenida de Berna)
If the books to be consulted do not exist at the Vitorino Magalhães Godinho Library (BVMG, campus of Campolide), but are available at the Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library (campus of Avenida de Berna), you can ask for a transfer.
The transfer request should be made by filling this form.
After the request is sent, the applicant should await for its confirmation by e-mail.
The following books are not covered by this service: Reference and Reserved Works (RES call numbers); Restricted publications and Periodicals (PP call numbers), Theses and Dissertations (T call numbers) and publications belonging to donations.
Requests to external libraries
BVMG books are not currently available for Interlibrary loans.
- 2 Desktop computers for browsing.
- 1 Desktop computers for consulting thesis in digital format.
- 3 Scanners (free use).
- 1 Multifunctional Machine (Printing / Photocopies / Scanning).
- 20 workplaces.
- Eduroam Wi-Fi.
- Air conditioning.