CETAPS (Centre for English, Translation, and Anglo-Portuguese Studies) is a dynamic research centre that brings together 50 integrated members and 94 collaborators (for the most part young researchers doing their doctoral or postdoctoral training at the research unit) from 11 Portuguese institutions of higher education, promoting research and activities with high national and international reach.
CETAPS runs 8 databases and publishes 4 electronic journals, one of which has been recently indexed by Scopus; over the past 5 years, its members have organized 124 conferences, symposia and seminars, presented 591 papers at national and international conferences, edited/published 182 books and book chapters, and published 337 papers in national and international journals.
It has also been involved in MA and PhD programmes, both national and international (eg. Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate TEEME – Text & Event in Early Modern Europe and Erasmus Mundus Masters Crossways in Cultural Narratives), and has consistently invested in a considerable number of high impact outreach activities.
Additionally, it offers scholarships and training programmes to young researchers and benefits from the energy and commitment of the Junior Researchers in Anglo-American Studies Platform (JRAAS) to promoting activities connected with the literature, culture and the arts of the anglophone world.
CETAPS’ Digital Laboratory is the result of the R&D+i unit’s commitment to the development of the Digital Humanities.
Evaluation Panel: ARTS AND HUMANITIES – Literary Studies
FCT 2013-2017 Evaluation (current): Overall Quality Grade: EXCELLENT