História, Territórios, Comunidades is a hub at NOVA FCSH for the Centre for Functional Ecology – Science for People & the Planet of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra.
Its main focus is History, in its intrinsic relationship with territories and communities, understanding the breadth of the essential interconnections of Social Sciences and Humanities with other disciplinary areas raised by contemporary societal challenges in interaction with the complexity of the global commitment to sustainability.
It brings together researchers with different backgrounds in various research axes / lines guided by a common agenda, focused on the pursuit of specific work programs, maintaining as a fundamental element the transversal dialogue with the research dynamics pursued by CEF-UC and raised by its dedicated mission the sustainability of territories and the well-being of communities.
HTC simultaneously constitutes a platform for the engagement, reflection and effective interaction between the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Life Sciences and other disciplinary areas in order to contribute to the achievement of the fundamental scientific missions dedicated to overcoming the main challenges of our contemporaneity, adopting a dialogical method that focuses on the global context and local specificities.

62 integrated researchers
Email htc@fcsh.unl.pt Phone 217 908 301 Website History Territories Communities (FCSH Hub of the Centre for Functional Ecology)