ICNOVA is a new research unit in the field of Communication Sciences in Portugal, resulting from previous R&D units (CECL and CIMJ, pioneers in the area; and CIC.Digital). The current structure comprises four research groups:
– Media and Journalism
– Culture, Mediation and Arts
– Strategic Communication and Decision-Making Processes
– Performance and Cognition
And three laboratories:
– BlackBox
– iNOVA Media Lab
– LEC – Performing Arts Laboratory
ICNOVA focuses on strengthening the link between research and advanced training through partnerships with institutions, universities and international networks, promoting interdisciplinarity and rejuvenating the team through the integration of young researchers in groups and laboratories via scientific employment financed by S&T projects and institutions .
In terms of relations with society, industry and other R&D units, ICNOVA develops collaborative interfaces in academia and with key stakeholders, investing in innovative research, and in interacting with the community through the provision of services and the production of content from public interest.