The Institute of Medieval Studies is a research unit founded in 2002 that was created from the dynamic propelled by the ‘Núcleo Científico de Estudos Medievais da FCSH’ that has gathered, during the 90’s, most of NOVA FCSH researchers that were dedicated to Medieval Studies.
Whether in a national or international context, the institute benefits from a renowned heritage, mostly linked to the work of its founders – José Mattoso and Luís Krus. It reveals also a strong identity since it’s the only research unit in Portugal exclusively devoted to Medieval Studies, which simultaneously combines archaeology, history, art history, music history and literature history. In this regard, IEM reveals a specific nature resulting from a wide methodological scope and interdisciplinarity, that surpasses the sole context of Social Sciences.
Having as its hosting institution NOVA FCSH, IEM’s mission is embedded in the statuary principles of this organic unit which see research units as entities that promote the development of a research and scientific culture, the training of researchers and the provision of services to the community.
Since its foundation, IEM’s main goals have been the following:
– To promote critical thought and the discussion in the areas of the Medieval Studies, placing a focus on interdisciplinarity and on a comparative approach;
– To encourage the creation of innovative knowledge on the topics regarding Middle Age, with special attention to the Portuguese and Iberian cases, through the development of research activities as well as scientific debate;
– To enhance the training of young researchers by compelling them to integrate researching teams under the supervision of veteran researchers;
– To promote a proactive and autonomous participation of PhD students and post-doctorate researchers in the multiple research lines developed by the institute;
– To develop a publicity strategy among broad and diverse audiences to share researching results about medieval topics which may promote interdisciplinarity and a comparative perspective;
– To enhance scientific and academic exchange and the networking with other research centers (both national and international), that may share similar goals to the ones of IEM;
– To cooperate with NOVA FCSH for the continuing and sustainable maintenance of the institution’s teaching programme, in every cycle of studies, as a way of ensuring a constant dialogue between research and teaching.

55 researchers
Last Evaluation FCT Excellent Email Phone +351 217 908 300 | Ext. 40312 / 40313 Website Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) Science Manager(s) Ricardo Cordeiro - Beatriz Gil -