The IPRI is an Institute dedicated to advanced studies in Political Science and International Relations.
The IPRI research unity (RU) is an academic research institute founded in 2003 by the NOVA University of Lisbon, the Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAD) and the Orient Foundation with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. IPRI-NOVA integrates also since 2012 enterprises such as MillenniumBCP Foundation, EDP Foundation, BPI and REN. It has been recognized as a Public Utility Institution since 1 October 2010 for services rendered to the community in the field of culture, through the promotion of academic research in political science and international relations within a multidisciplinary framework.
As an Institute dedicated to advanced studies in Political Science and International Relations IPRI-NOVA defines itself as a structured and integrated project around three fundamental axis: scientific research; specialized training – doctoral and post-doctoral programmes; and knowledge transfer and social value creation.
IPRI is organized according to three Research Groups and one Thematic Line.
The Research Groups – i) Globalization and Regionalism, ii) Democracy and Governance and iii) Strategic Foresight and Planning – are essentially discipline-oriented, corresponding to the Institute’s main disciplinary areas, and representing the ongoing work in research, teaching and knowledge transfer.
The Thematic Line – European Union: overcoming the crisis and future challenges – on the contrary, is issue-oriented, receiving the contribution of the three Research Groups and represents the strategic priority elected by the Institute for the next six years. The Thematic Line constitutes the answer and the contribution of the Institute, in its area of expertise, to the challenges faced by contemporary societies as formulated by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme.