Conversation with Mark Katz - apropos of "Music and Technology: A Very Short Introduction"
Cartaz do evento
17:00 às 19:00
Av. de Berna, Auditório B1

Conversa com Mark Katz

A propósito de Music and Technology: A Very Short Introduction

A 19 de Outubro de 2022, no Auditório B1 da NOVA FCSH, o Grupo de Teoria Crítica e Comunicação do CESEM acolhe o Prof. Mark Katz, para uma conversa em torno do seu mais recente livro: Music and Technology: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2022). Neste estudo, retomando aspecto de Capturing Sound: How Technology Changed Music (University of California Press, 2010), o autor discute a música como tecnologia, problematizando visões essencialistas ou puristas do fenómeno musical, e convocando exemplos dos mais variados géneros (da música erudita europeia ao hip hop), regiões (incluindo a Ásia, a África e a América do Sul) e épocas (da pré-história aos dias de hoje).


A Conversation with Mark Katz

Apropos of Music and Technology: A Very Short Introduction

On 19 October 2022, at 5pm, in the Lecture Hall B1 at NOVA-FCSH (Campus Avenida de Berna), the Critical Theory and Communication Research Group of the CESEMwill host a conversation with Prof. Mark Katz about his most recent book, Music and Technology: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2022). In this study, in the wake of Capturing Sound: How Technology Changed Music (University of California Press, 2010), the author discusses music as technology, challenging essentialist or purist perspectives on the musical phenomenon, while considering examples from to most varied genres (from European classical music to hip hop), regions (including Asia, Africa and South America) and times (from the prehistoric era to today).