More Pride Less Prejudice: Jane Austen at 250
Todo o dia (2 a 3 Out 2025)
Universidade do Porto

No 250º aniversário de Jane Austen, convidamos críticos e entusiastas a juntarem-se a nós na Universidade do Porto para uma celebração de dois dias do génio literário da autora e do seu notório legado. Enquanto figura incontornável do cânone literário inglês e fenómeno popular transversal a todas as gerações, Jane Austen constituiu sempre um objeto de estudo sujeito às mais diversas e inovadoras abordagens académicas. Aguardamos propostas para comunicações sobre todos os aspectos da vida de Jane Austen e encorajamos a apresentação de perspectivas contrastantes sobre a sua obra.

Saiba mais aqui: https://sites.google.com/view/morepridelessprejudice/

Local: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

On Jane Austen’s 250th anniversary we invite scholars/enthusiasts to join us at the University of Porto for a two-day celebration of both her literary genius and enduring legacy. As an inescapable figure in the English literary canon, and a popular cross-generational phenomenon, Jane Austen has always been the subject of the most diverse and innovative academic approaches. We welcome papers on all aspects of the author’s life, and encourage contrasting perspectives on her oeuvre. 

Learn more here: https://sites.google.com/view/morepridelessprejudice/


MORE PRIDE, LESS PREJUDICE: JANE AUSTEN AT 250 is organised by the Relational Forms research area of the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS)


We thus welcome papers on all aspects of the author’s life, and encourage contrasting perspectives on her oeuvre. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following: 

  • Afterlives: translations, adaptations, transmediations (e.g., films, TV/streaming series, retellings, video games, fanfiction, etc);
  • Global Austen;
  • The life of Jane Austen (family, education, juvenilia);
  • The rise of the novel: books and reading practices;
  • Landscape(s) and travelling;
  • (Re)Defining masculinities;
  • Womanhood, girlhood & rebel women (or not so much);
  • Regency life: fashion, manners, sociability;
  • Economy: love and the marriage market;
  • Language, style and structure;
  • Critical responses (early and recent);
  • Literary scene: from sentimental to gothic;
  • Nationalism, war and empire;
  • Digital Humanities;
  • Conventions and transgressions.


Keynote Speakers:

  • John Mullan (University College London)
  • Fiona Stafford (University of Oxford)


We welcome 250-word proposals for 20-minute presentations in English at morepridelessprejudice@letras.up.pt. Please include a short bio (max 150 words, including the author’s academic affiliation). The deadline for abstract submission is 16 May 2025.