Pedro Cardim

Gabinete: B616

My research centers on the history of early modern Iberian polities and their imperial rule across the Atlantic, with a particular focus on the period when Portugal was part of the Spanish Monarchy (1580-1640). I also delve into the political and administrative reforms of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A recent outcome of this research is the volume I co-edited with Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro titled ‘Political Thought in Portugal and its Empire (1500-1800),’ published by Cambridge University Press in 2021.

My attention is also drawn to representative assemblies and political participation, especially in Portugal during 1579-80, where I analyze attempts by commoners to establish a political regime centered around the ‘Cortes,’ the Portuguese representative assembly. This research is forthcoming as “Élites, représentation et participation politique du «peuple». Les Cortes et le débat sur l’élection du roi dans la crise de succession portugaise de 1578-1581.”

In addition, I explore Colonial Brazil, examining the legal and moral categories imposed by the Portuguese on Indigenous populations and their resistance: «‘La forma y los casos en que se debe cautivar a los indios en nuestras conquistas’. Dominación colonial, cultura jurisdiccional y resistencia en la América Portuguesa, c. 1550-1655» in José Manuel Santos Pérez (ed.), Intercambios culturales y “castellanización” en Brasil durante la Unión de Coronas, 1580-1640, Salamanca, Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca, 2024, pp. 21-80.

Lastly, I delve into the memory of the Portuguese empire and its colonial domination. My interest in this aspect is reflected in the forthcoming study “Reassessing the Portuguese Imperial Past: Scholarly Perspectives and Civic Engagement,” to be published in the ‘Journal of Lusophone Studies.’

Unidade de investigação: CHAM - Centro de Humanidades (CHAM - NOVA FCSH)

Áreas de investigação: História Moderna, História de Portugal na época moderna, História de Espanha na época moderna, História Constitucional da época moderna, História do colonialismo na época moderna

1989LicenciadoHistóriaUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
2000DoutorHistóriaUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
2013AgregadoHistóriaUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Norms beyond Empire  
  • Portuguese Discourse and Action in Governing Eighteenth-Century Brazil  
  • An imperial formation joins a composite polity  
  • As Cortes e a representação política no Antigo Regime  
  • Prólogo  
Informação em atualização.
Investigador do centro de História de Além-Mar da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Investigador Associado do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
Investigador do laboratório de investigação «Companhia das Índias», Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói-Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
Professor Visitante: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales - Paris (1997 e 2010); Universidade de Viena (2000); Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2008-2010); Universidad Pablo de Olavide (2006-2016); Universidad de Granada; New York University (2014);