Pedro Urbano

Pedro Urbano completed his degree in History at NOVA FCSH in 2001. In 2006, he obtained a master’s degree (NOVA FCSH) with the dissertation A Casa Palmela e o desafio Liberal: estratégias de Afirmação, published in 2008.  In 2014, obtained the PhD (NOVA FCSH) with the FCT funded thesis entitled “Nos bastidores da Corte”: O Rei e a Casa Real na crise da Monarquia – 1889-1908 which won the 23rd edition of the Victor Sá Prize of Contemporary History of the University of Minho. He is a researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History (NOVA) and the Center for Classical Studies (FLUL). He has participated in several research projects at NOVA, University of Évora and ISCTE-IUL, in which stands out the Portuguese Women Writers (16th-19th centuries), funded by FCT. He has participated in several meetings of COST Action IS0901 Women Writers in History – Toward a New Understanding of European Literary Culture and COST Action IS1310 Reassembling the Republic of Letters, 1500-1800. A digital framework for multi-lateral collaboration on Europe’s intellectual history. He was a member of the Luso-German integrated action Women’s cultural networks between Portugal and Germany, funded by FCT and participant in the project Site of Writers, funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. His research areas have been the Portuguese elites during the Constitutional Monarchy, having been most recently interested in the study of female textual production throughout the 19th century. He regularly presents the results of his research at colloquiums, both in Portugal and abroad, having published several articles. He teached at Escola Superior de Educadores de Infância Maria Ulrich and since 2020 at ISPA. He is currently a junior researcher at NOVA-FCSH with the project Women (e) go: nineteenth century Portuguese female self-writing.

Unidade de investigação: Instituto de História Contemporânea IHC - NOVA FCSH

Áreas de investigação: Portugal, História Contemporânea, Século XIX, Arquivística, Genealogia, Gender, Women's >History, Autobiography, Memoires, Correspondence, Egodocuments, Leisure, Daily life, Autobiography, Archives, Family Archives

2014DoutoramentoHistóriaNOVA FCSH
2006MestreHistóriaNOVA FCSH
2001LicenciadoHistóriaNOVA FCSH
  • A morte de um filho  
  • The Marchioness of Chaves beyond rebellion  
  • Femmes Portugaises, Aristocrates et Constitutionnalistes  
  • Identity and Emotions in the Long Eighteenth Century  
  • The transmission of model behaviours in the correspondence between the marchioness of Nisa and her daughter, the countess of Palmela, ambassadress to London (1817-1819)  
TítuloFonte de financiamentoInícioFim
Escritoras Portuguesas (1500-1900) 2010-02-282012-02-28