
NOVA FCSH supports students in the attendment of curricular and academic internships.


Internships serve as a free curricular unit of 6 ECTS, whose goal is to add-on student’s academic background. Internships have a workload of 168 hours, of which at least 64 hours must be done on site. These internships can only be carried out throughout the bachelor’s degree and they are not bound to pay interns or provide them with any kind of financial support (these benefits are optional and up to the criteria of each entity).

Students must have a professor as a counselor anda supervisor at their internship site. A casualty insurance is provided by NOVA FCSH.


These curricular modules function non-teaching ECTS for your master’s degree. Intenships last, in average, between 3 to 6 months (400 to  800 horas, depending on the master’s degree and on the regulations of each degree), and cannot pass the maximum period of one year.These internships are not bound to pay interns or provide them with any kind of financial support (these benefits are optional and up to the criteria of each entity).

Students must have a professor as a counselor anda supervisor at their internship site. A casualty insurance is provided by NOVA FCSH.



These are aimed to students that are enrolled in NOVA FCSH but have no ECTS attached. The goal of these programs is to provide access to a additional education in the context of work experience.

Academic internships are integrated as diploma supplement.

Since the personal accident insurance is provided by NOVA FCSH, students must be formally enrolled in any of the institution’s studies during the whole internship process.


According to the point 1 of the 3rd article from the legislative decree nº 66/2011 – “The attainment of an internship is preceded by the celebration an internship contract between intern and the hosting entity”. Therefore, NOVA FCSH cannot protocol professional or extracurricular internships.

The ERASMUS+ program, in its Internship component, takes on special relevance in the way it promotes the update of knowledge and skills for the recent graduates of NOVA FCSH, who are looking for a job. Therefore, this program is focused on investing in their education within the european labor market context, providing the support and guidance required to their professional placement and development of skills in an international background, encouraging multilingualism and multiculturalism and favoring personal/social skills, as well as management and social abilities, which allow for a full learning process throughout life with an elevated level of autonomy in understanding languages and foreign cultures.

You can check the Application Guide for Erasmus + internships in the tab “ERASMUS+ – Mobilidade para Estágio” , available at the Intranet.

NOVA FCSH doesn’t feature any partnership for internships under the Erasmus + program. However, these links can be useful if you’re looking for information:


The Innovation and Value Creation Office supports students and recent graduates through counseling and vocational assistance services, training sessions related with employability and the promotion of professional internships and job opportunities.

Contact the Innovation and Value Creation Office



  • B Tower, B712

Personal attendance

Tel.: 217908300/ Ext. 31588

Curricular Volunteer work

Curricular volunteering is a free curricular module and a groundbreaking experience in NOVA FCSH. It promotes an awareness for social justice and solidarity issues, contributing to the personal civic growth of undergraduate students. This experience serves as a way to complement the academic knowledge learned throughout the academic path at NOVA FCSH.

These are aimed at undergraduate students and are specially recommended for students of the 2nd and 3rd years, as a free curricular module available to every student, of all the institution’s departments.


Volunteering is a curricular unit that is worth 6 ECTS and that is included in the curriculum of each study and that is submitted to an evaluation criteria that implies the following:

  • Students can only enroll for this module once;
  • This module cannot be enrolled at the same semester as an internship;
  • It doesn’t need posterior ECTS, working as any curricular unit;

It lasts for 1 semester and it is organized in the following way:

  • 64 hours of contact with an organization, supervised by a counsellor;
  • 8 hours of tutorial monitoring from NOVA FCSH, which are done by a teacher that has the job to guide the student’s autonomous work. This endeavour has to lead to the preparation  of a final report by the student that is then bound to a public presentation of volunterring experience.

The choice of an institution is required to follow up the process. This choice has to be reflected in a protocol that can be celebrated with NOVA FCSH and that allows students to pursue the goals set out for this particular module: to develop an approach and aid to the community surrounding NOVA FCSH but mostly to promote and engage in practices of solidarity and positive intervention in society.

In this regard, a list can be consulted here which provides information on institutions where students can develop volunteer work. However, another organization can be picked by the student, as long as it is properly approved by the Student and Candidate Support Office.

In order to proceed with the enrolment, students must first choose an institution where they would like to volunteer and then, fill in the required documents to formalize their participation in this curricular module.


The documents are available in the Intranet, and must be filled in and singed in triplicate: 

a) Workplan fixed between the hosting institution, the student and the teacher who is the counseling the student;

b) Protocol between NOVA FCSH, hosting institution and student;

c) Volunteer’s application form.


«I followed many Political Science students in these processes and all of them have a faithful testimony of the real impact that this experience had in their lives, since they still have a connection with these organizations and try to motivate their friends and family to be volunteers. These students are the living proof that universities have to offer a set of principles for exterior dialogue and for social and human skills beyond theoretical knowledge and the ability for critical thinking. All of them acknowledge that these curricular modules are infinitely more demanding than in a traditional course but also infinitely more rewarding.»

Ana Isabel Xavier, Invited Assisted Professor of the Political Studies Department

«The volunteering program is worth in the way it helps understanding the role of the volunteer as someone who can be of assistance by playing a small part instead of saving the world, which represents a huge potential for NOVA FCSH students to develop better awareness, sensibility and resistance against the world in which we live». 

Ana Jorge, Invited Assistant Professor of the Communication Sciences Department


«It was valuable experience, in which I had the opportunity to get in touch with some social issues directly.  Looking back, I realize that I’ve worked surrounded by inspiring people and that I’ve earned skills and sensitivities that could not be gained in other curricular modules.»

Rita Roque, former student of the Political Studies undergraduate program



«I developed several projects that tackled bullying and promoted sports at the Marquesa de Alorna school. These projects were built in a perspective of  contributing to educational success and personal development of the school’s kids and young people. Having the opportunity to take action in education is a truly enriching experience, either as an academic and as a citizen.»

Mariana Tomás Lopes, former student of the Political Studies undergraduate program

Reach NAAC

The Student and Applicant Support Office assists students who are getting to know NOVA FCSH and its community, being an important element of inclusion throughout their academic path.




  • B Tower, 1st floor, Office B106

Personal attendance

Tel.: 21 790 83 00 | Ext. 31583