Hugh Tracey

Dublin Core


Hugh Tracey


Hugh Tracey

Contenus dans la collection Hugh Tracey

Ngodo of Regulo Mikumbi
Six movements from the Ngodo xylophone orchestral dance of Regulo Mikumbi with 8 Chilanzane (treble), 1 Debinda (bass) and 3 Gulu (double bass) xylophones and 2 rattles

Ngodo of Regulo Nyankowongo
Two movement from the Ngodo orchestral dance of Regulo Nyankowongo with 14 xylophone, 2 rattles and 1 horn.

Ngodo of Regulo Nyankowongo
Three movement from the Ngodo xylophone orchestral dance of Regulo Nyankowongo with 14 xylophone, 2 rattles and one 1 horn.

Ngodo of Cabo Wukwane
Three movements from the Ngodo xylophone orchestral of Cabo Wuwane with 8 xylophone and 1 rattle

Ngodo of Regulo Banguza
Complete Ngodo xylophone orchestral dance of Regulo Banguza, with 15 xylophone and 1 rattle

Ngodo of Regulo Canda
Msitso wokata movement; Ngeniso movement; Mzeno movement

Godwa aswibasanga
Four topical songs with guitar